Lent Social Media Cleanse

Here’s what I learned staying off of social media. 

I know I’m late, Easter was a few weeks ago. I was off Instagram and Facebook for a while for lent. I sat in the pews on Ash Wednesday, and was like, okay, I’m supposed to give up something for 40 days… what could I do? Chocolate? Never. Wine? LOL. Oh, I know… Instagram. Facebook! My two weaknesses that take (now took) up A LOT of time. Great social experiment and checked the lent box. Cool.

So, after taking a hiatus, this is what I learned. 

The first week was hard, but after a week, I really didn’t miss it at all. I found myself focusing more on my work, on my art, on creating content and thinking critically and more clearly about my career. All of which I think were clouded by focusing on social media. It came at a great time, I ended up signing with an amazing new agent and had zero time to be distracted. I had also just joined a great organization and started a new class that took up a lot of headspace and I just had zero interest on getting on either FB or IG, because quite frankly, I forgot about it by that point.

I realized, it’s definitely overwhelming, being inundated with images and posts, but then when I got back on it, I definitely looked at it with a clearer eye. It’s an incredible tool, and now I have a greater appreciation for the connection it brings within family, friends, and business. 

The one downside was I was out of the loop on some things. Apparently a friend got married and another had a baby, but other than that, there was nothing really that I missed. My friends and family who I keep in touch with, we still talked and were in contact all the time. 

I did see my friend at a screening, and she said, “I’m so glad I got to see you in person today, I would have never known how cute you were today!” because I was soooo cute and usually post cute out fit of the day, Southern Gal in SoCal posts, so that’s something y’all missed! 

*Note, I did post “for work” while I was at an Emmy event for Narcos, because, thinking about it, there is a relevancy to sharing while something is happening. So I do admit that! Tried out posting with intention, rather than mindlessly sharing, ya know?

OH. AND Y’ALL TEXTED ME LICENSE PLATES. Thank you for loving me. You know I love vanity plates. 

Facebook, I think I logged in and had like, 189 notifications, but it was all on pages and groups I’m a part of. So didn’t really miss much there. A handful of messages, but nothing crazy. Great platform, great to stay connected, but realized it took up soooo much time! Especially on my phone! 

I did engage more on my twitter account and discovered I have an appreciation for twitter and the news and conversation that brings (minus the trolls)! I loved how I found great writers, news people, etc, that all gave my feed value. 

All in all. I have a great appreciation for the two platforms. Now while I did miss it, now I know when to be on them and to use them constructively for business and entertainment, but not without intention or scrolling mindlessly.

My personal goal is to use the apps as least as possible on my phone, and to use them more constructively when I’m at home on the laptop or my iPad. 

So! New found love for the Gram and the good ole’ Facebook. 

So if you feel like, logging off for a while, I think it’ll do you some good and help you get clear about who you are, who you love and care about, and what you love to do. 

There wasn’t much that was missed, but here are a few selfies I sent to my fam of what I was up to. I met my cousin for the first time, met Diego Luna! I started a UCLA class and went to San Diego with the fam. Pretty basic.
